Say NO to reservation for education and jobs

The idea of launching reservation system in India is to rise lower class an lead India towards the path of development and to abolish illiteracy. But fortunately or unfortunately the nation has changed now. Instead of developing India is decaying now. Reservation system is also a cause for people of India exploring and working for other countries.

        Reservation system now has become a political issue and it is not an easy thing to totally terminate this policy. The point is reservation system impacts has to be minimised instead of totally terminating. India can be a developed country only when it's people are given equal chances to show their 'Talent'.

 Let us discuss on some effects of reservation in our country......
1. Enough reservation has been provided to the candidates of lower classes. It is seen there is no marked improvement amongst them. People don't try to improve their skills or developing themselves but still fighting for increasing reservation. Recently happen in UP.

2. I reservation is provided the standard will go down and efficiency will deteriorate. People totally depend on reservation. This will not suit a developing country.

3. They should be given money, houses, free books, schools and health care but there should be no reservation in jobs, promotions and admissions in universities and colleges. Opertunities should be given to the talented one.

4. There should be provision of loan at low rate and with easy procedures.

5. There should be free libraries where they can get free books for studies.

6. If reservation is given to lower classes the bright students will be discourse. Furthermore, the efficiency will be degraded. And then bright students moves towards foreign countries for there services. Nowadays, students moving towards other countries is very common and increasing day by day.

7. For education every body should be given equal opportunities. There should not be any discrimination. Reservation in admission in schools will lower the educational standard which will give adverse effects for efficiency and progress of the country.

8. Reservation gives the feeling of inferiority to candidates. Furthermore if reservation is given to a particular category they do not work hard to realise their goals.

9. The system of providing caste wise reservation put an impact on castism and differentiate by addressing reservation for particulars.

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